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Here you’ll find short videos and practice tips to support your practice. Looking for a short sequence to open your shoulders safely? Or to get some mobility back in your feet? You’ll find it here! For a full list of our videos, check out this link to our YouTube channel. You’re invited to join us for in person or online class, here’s a link to our schedule. We work with you to support your health and wellness through the practice of Iyengar yoga.
Adho Mukha Svanasana | Downward Facing Dog Pose with a Chair A variation from Eyal Shifroni's book, A Chair for Yoga "This variation is very useful for relea...
Urdhva Hastasana | Upward Hand Pose A variation from Eyal Shifroni's book, Props for Yoga "Pressing the palms against the block (without grasping it) activat...
Parsvottanasana | Intense Side Stretch A variation from Eyal Shifroni's book, Props for Yoga "The feedback from the chair enables to check that the pelvis is...
Viparita Karani | Inverted Pose A variation from Eyal Shifroni's book, Props for Yoga This asana can be restroative and relaxing but can also be used an acti...
Baddah Konasana in Viparita Dandasana | Bound Angle in Inverted Staff Pose "When done independently this is an advanced back arch but with the chair almost e...
Utthita Parsva Upavistha Konasana | Extended Side Seated Angle Pose "Pulling the belts activates the feet and legs. It also helps to hold the trunk upright a...
Uttanasana | Intense Stretch Pose "Uttanasana reminds me of a waterfall, the legs being the cliffs from which the trunk is flowing down like water - make the...
Tadasana | Mountain Pose - " Most people do not balance perfectly on both legs, leading to ailments which can be avoided. Tadasana teaches you the art of sta...
Paripurna Navasana | Full Boat Pose "Regular practice of this asana tones the abdominal muscles and organs." - B.K.S. Iyengar Benefits: - gives relief to tho...
Utthita Trikonasana | Extended Triangle Pose with a Focus on Extension & Rotation "Regular practice of this asana taps energy stored in the tailbone, which i...
Ardha Chandrasana | Half Moon Pose "In this asana, your body takes the shape of a half moon. Regular practice enhances your span of concentration. It also im...
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana | Supported Bridge Pose "In this asana, the body arches to take the shape of a bridge. The chinlock in the asana calms the flow of t...
The Strap Jacket "Open the armpits and you won't get depressed." - B.K.S. Iyengar Benefits: - removes stiffness in the shoulders - relieves tension in the ne...
Utkatasana | Fierce Pose In his book, Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar says, "This asana is like sitting on an imaginary chair." Benefits: - removes stiffness i...
Dhanurasana | Bow Pose In his book, Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar says, "The hands here are used like a bow-string to pull the head, trunk and legs up and th...